Access some of my resource materials

I published these 3 books below to serve value, improve your startup process and intrigue your imagination. One of them took me Ten years to put together, but the adventure was worth it, and I believe, it would be worth it to you too.

The Start-Up Business Guide

After jumping into several businesses with the intent to change the world, the world came back at me with some interesting lessons.

A Nightmares Novel

What I’m about to share with you is not for the faint in heart. This story is a true one, not of what has happened, but of what is yet to happen.

A Tech-Guide

Take away the legends, the mysteries behind the tales, and you start to realise, everything made glamorous is in itself, simple, the rest is overrated.

Product Managers Bible

Product management is the art of turning vision into reality, navigating the seas of innovation, customer needs, and market dynamics with a compass set on delivering impactful solutions.

My Presentation at the HR AFRICA EXPO on The Path to Hyper Growth in Product

The Morpheus Academy

The academy is an online learning centre created by Scott C. Eneje for helping non-tech individual learn skills that can allow them transition into tech-based careers.

The academy was born out of a passion project called “The Morpheus Academy”, which was set up as a result of seeing very intelligent young people denied access to well paying jobs or undermining work environments because they lacked certain skills that would be valuable to book the organisations they were interested in, or themselves.

The idea of the academy to to teach collaboration, through connective skill sets, focused on individualistic uniqueness. The program runs 3 cohorts yearly and offers leanings in Product Management, Front-end Engineering, WordPress Engineering, Product Design (UI/UX), Finance Management, Business Development, and Quality Assurance.

Vision for Future Relevance

My Publications

I write on technology, economics and arts (TEA), trending subjects and how they impacts individuals and businesses.

A Short Video Guide on Building a One-Page Portfolio WP Webpage

How Can I Help?

From setting up your website, to managing your product team, training your management team, developing your tech structure and tech-stack outlook.